North Bar is up and running. Nice work Seth & Gina.
This is the painting that I made for their bar. It was made using spray paint and hand-made stencils. I've had a couple of dreams involving blue painter's tape and X-Acto knives lately.
I've been really getting into spraypaint and handmade stencils the past few weeks. I am almost done with my painting for Seth & Gina's new bar. I know. I am lagging. If you haven't already, you should go to North Bar on 50th & Division and have a Rangoon Typhoon.
I cannot really think of anything to say about this... This is something that I did at work. I guess that the best thing is, nobody even notices it. It just fades into the background. The best thing that I could hope for is that this stays up there for years and nobody says anything. Nobody does nothing.
I found this on a really weird and rough day a couple of weeks ago. My head was 500 miles away. In Idaho. Thinking about an old friend who had passed or was passing. I just walked around at work all day. Bumping into things and people. My head was 500 miles away.